What should be in your emergency Grab-and-Go Kits?

Say we have some wild weather and you are suddenly confronted with an emergency evacuation. Would you know what to quickly grab for your pets, horses or livestock? In an emergency situation, stress and pressure make us forget things, so maybe these lists are something you can print out and place in your first aid kits - incase you need to have a reminder about what you would require when packing!

Cat in carrier - ready for an emergency evacuation

Cats and Dogs - Emergency Kit

  • Food and water for 3-7 days

  • Bowls

  • Bedding

  • Toileting requirements e.g. litter tray, poo bags

  • Collar and lead, or harness with identification tag

  • Important documentation e.g. registration and vaccination

  • Medications, medical records

  • First aid kit

  • Current picture of you and your pet together (incase of separation)

Horse/Livestock - Emergency Kit

  • Protective clothing, leather boots, jeans, face scarf

  • Battery powered or wind-up radio

  • Waterproof torch, batteries, power bank for phones

  • Current veterinary medications

  • Halters, lead ropes, spare rope, hoof pick

  • Rug/blanket

  • Clean towels

  • Feed and water for 3-7 days

  • Laminated written instructions for feed and care

  • Water bucket

  • Wire/fence cutters

  • Knife, bailing twine, duct tape, cable ties

  • Rubbish bags

  • Fly Repellent

  • Electric fence kit for yards or temporary fencing, including hammer, star pickets, tape

  • Emergency contact list

  • Maps of local areas

  • Copy of ownership papers

  • List of possible Agistment places, family and friends with paddocks out of emergency zones

  • List of buddies willing to look after your animals or check on your animals if your not a home

  • Alternative power source e.g. generators

  • First aid kit


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