Livestock Services

Hereford Bull

Bull Testing

We offer Veterinary Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluations (VBBSE) which is critical for minimising the risk of bull related issues during joining. The assessment of semen quality and quantity is essential in a range of joining scenarios, particularly when single sire mating, this involves crush side semen assessment, in conjunction with sperm morphology testing which is completed in a laboratory in Western Australia.

Dr. Liam will assess the bulls confirmation, gait and does an assessment of penile anatomy and erectile function at this time. It is recommended that all mature bulls undergo this test annually as conditions acquired throughout their life can reduce their serving ability, and their fertility.

At a stud level, pre-sale bull examinations allow feedstock producers to sell a quality assured product to their commercial producer clients. This will help reduce bull-related joining failures and also facilitate the insurance of newly purchased bulls.

Cattle Pregnancy Testing

Vet in Valley offers both manual and ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis for cattle. We are the only clinic in Southern Tasmania that uses an ultrasound to provide this service. A ultrasound allows more accurate pregnancy diagnosis, it’s less invasive and quicker! Pregnancy diagnosis can be completed from the gestation of 10 weeks. Good facilities for the safety of our vets to provide this service is essential.

Disease Investigation and Health Monitoring

Both Dr. Liam and Dr. Libby are accredited ovine brucellosis veterinarians and can complete both the initial documentation and testing to ensure your flock remains accredited. Both Dr. Libby and Dr. Liam can sample your goats for OJD/CAE and provide reports for monitoring purposes. In cases of sudden death or a disease outbreak, we treat this a time sensitive emergency and do everything we can to get an answer for you as soon as possible. We utilise the Animal Health Laboratory, ACE Laboratory Services and TML Laboratory to complete any investigations or sampling as required. We also have a in house pathology service allowing for complete and timely analysis and sample return.

Parasite Monitoring

We utilise a Parasite System to monitor animals worm burdens. This more accurate measurements than manual counts and quantifiable results that can be both seen as a image and sent directly to your email. It’s fast and cost effective with a equine result available within 3 minutes and a ruminant results within 7 minutes.